I am at a point in life where I am needing to move further out of my comfort zone. I am too comfortable with being comfortable and have been for a while. I have always been this fixed, set in routine mode of a person, that was so appalled by the idea of change. I allowed my stubbornness to get in the way of a lot. See, I always thought that not everything in my life had to be altered. I saw nothing wrong with waking up at the same time everyday, wearing practically the same clothing, listening to the same playlist as I put on the same face of makeup, talking to the same five people, and on…

Yet, I have always been a person that was into trying new foods/drinks, reading new genres of books, visiting new places, getting into new tv shows, anime, or indie movies— because those were things I eagerly wanted to experience. Things I wanted to be interested at that time, on my own time, simply because I knew there wouldn’t be a lasting attachment placed on it.

But I finally told myself that enough was enough and that change was going to happen, it is meant to happen. I couldn’t continue to recycle past relationships— that’s all dead now. I couldn’t continue to ignore people simply because I felt as though I had all the friends I needed— I love the new addition of friends I have now. I hated how I continued to procrastinate on doing and starting things I’ve talked about in the past— I’m now taking the initiative to do all of that on my own. I’m no longer waiting on anyone anymore. If I have to move alone to go after what I want, so be it.

As time progresses, and we grow through the stages of our lives, we have to accept the fact that nothing is meant to stay the same. We are not mean to stay stagnant in the same old things of yesterday. So, it’s ok to switch up your daily routine. It’s ok if you listen to alternative music genres to find your preferred sound of music. It’s ok if relationships you’ve had for years come to an end, that means that season has come to a close and it changes to one where you come first.

Note to never blame yourself for changing. Sometimes it naturally happens, sometimes we need a little nudge or shove. But change is good.

Because without change, there would be no butterflies.

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