During the past few days I’ve been thinking and overthinking about everything. What’s happening now, what did I miss that happened yesterday, and what is to happen tomorrow. It’s the worst at night when I’m in bed staring at the wall, as my mind wonders to this place of uncertainty. . . .

I must apply for at least three jobs tomorrow. Call the ones you’ve already applied for, again, because why not. Rejection.

White House trending on Twitter? Great! Are we seriously going to ignore the climate change issue here!? Remember, no straws or plastic bottles.

Is mom and dad ok? Let me text the family group chat just to say hi and tell them that I love them. I care for their well being, always.

Speaking of texting, I haven’t heard from him in a week. Can’t count how many times I’ve been trying to see him. Did I do something wrong? Maybe it was the last thing I sent. Wait, I left him on read! But how was I supposed to respond to that? He hasn’t called, but he has watched my Instagram and Snapchat stories. We should have talked by now. I could always text first. No, because what if I did do something wrong. I still like him but I’m done playing this chasing game.

How are my friends? It’s like I never get go to talk to them or see them. Ok, so they have a lot going on right now. I get it. Wait, they want to talk. Vent. I don’t have the headspace for this right now, but I’m always that person that’ll listen. Hope my advice helps. Thanks for asking about me. . . .that was sarcasm.

My books? Barely selling. Not getting the support I’d hope I would but at least it’s something. My blog? I guess those who are interested will read. It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. My new YouTube channel? Doing fine as of right now. I decided to start it simply for me and those who like to get lost in a good book. I need to come up with content ideas too.

Will tomorrow be a better day for me? As long as it’s not a repeat of yesterday, I’m fine.

Am I fine? Yes. I’m lying. I cried a few days ago. So no, I’m not fine.

But, no need to concern yourself.

I’m fine.

I’m only scratching the surface, so let me not get too deep.

Now, please let me sleep.

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