I was gone but now I am back, and the first thing I can do is say: HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is 2020— we are now in a new year, and new decade.

As far as how my “into the New Year” celebratory nigh went, let’s just say plans weren’t completely solid but I am glad that I spent it the way I did. I got the chance to bring in the new year with a very special someone. We had food and drinks, we cuddled and watched Netflix (we finished season two of YOU). As the night progressed, we searched for something to watch on Disney+. He hadn’t seen The Sandlot so that’s what we watched as we continued to countdown the hours, minutes, and seconds, before the new year. And of course, when the time hit 12 midnight, we shared a kiss. I GOT MY FIRST FREAKING NEW YEAR’S KISS!! I couldn’t have thought of any other way to spend my night.

Once I got home from my festivities, I found myself sleeping away most of the day. Yes, I spent my first day of the new year sleeping. I did eventually get up to start cleaning and organizing my room a bit. I lit one of my candles and got to work. Went from closet to dresser to desk; folding, rearranging, and throwing out things so that I can get a sense of space and order. That’s only the beginning. I have more cut out for me over the next few days.

Now, this would be the part where I would go into this spill about how many new year resolutions I have and what they are but in all honesty— I don’t have any. I haven’t had actual resolutions since maybe 2016. Do I set goals? Yes. But change happens, so I don’t hold much affirmation to them. If I see that I need to make change or that I need to do/try something new to get me out of my fixed state, then so be it. Just because it’s a new year doesn’t mean my habits of last year will be easily broken. And when it comes to going after the newness I seek for, I know I have to work twice as hard.

My biggest thing this year is to STAY motivated and committed. I want to continue seeing where my passion for writing takes me. I want to read at least five more books than I did last year (about 20-25). I want to make more money than I spend. I want to continue loving others as I do myself. Overall, I want the best for me. The best state of mind, emotional state, social relationships, and spiritual placement. Not to mention that everything I am to have and put out into this world will come to fruition in due time.

What about you?

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