The Spring semester of my undergraduate studies have finally commenced. I am taking yet another six classes, and preparing for graduation on top of it all. But, before we get into what this last semester will be looking like, I would just like to recap on the the previous semester.

In the Fall of 2019, I took six courses. The courses were: Shakespeare, Technical Writing, Language and Gender (Linguistics), Frontier Capstone I, Literary Criticism, and History of Cinema. Four of them were in a classroom and two were online. It had been my first time taking two online classes and in all honesty, I didn’t think I would be able to handle them. But as the 16—maybe 15—weeks progressed, I got into the flow of things with no problem and was on my grind until finals. For the past three semesters I hadn’t been getting any C’s and I wanted it to stay that way.

After finals, my grades trickled in one by one. I received the first 5 in about two weeks— four A’s and one B with a gpa of 3.8. It took my last professor F O R E V E R to give me my final grade, that I was filled with anxiety while I waited. My performance in the class wasn’t really my best but I put in enough effort….I’d say. As my break was coming to an end, I was reminded that I should check one last time for that grade. I did so nervously, holding my breath, until I saw that B and the anxiety I had was gone.

It’s now 2020 and I’m already four days into my last weeks on campus. Lol, who am I kidding I will more than likely be right back on campus in the fall getting my masters. But that’s for a completely different post.

What I am focusing on is completing these last five courses (technically six, but two go hand in hand) so that I will be ready to walk across that stage in May. I will be taking an Advanced Creative Writing class, Advanced Grammar—I love linguistics—, Senior Thesis/Independent Study, and Internship. Because this is my last semester, I’m hoping to achieve a 4.0 gpa. I know I should have been aiming for that during all four years, and I was, it’s just that I can now taste the sweet victory as I become closer to the finish line. As far as the classes, I know I will put my all into them and I’m looking forward to being in a classroom with a few of my favorite professors one last time. I feel nervous about a lot, but I know that everything is going to be done in my favor.

Spring 2020 To-Do List

  1. Work hard but my enjoy classes.
  2. Enjoy my internship.
  3. Put my all into my senior thesis.
  4. Remain social.
  5. Senior Photos!
  6. Graduation & Celebration!!!!!!

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