It’s been almost a year since I last posted on this blog. To be more specific, it’s been almost three years since I’ve posted on this blog about myself. The creator of this blog. So let me start off by saying this ➪ Hi!

If you’re a returning reader I hope you like the new facelift I gave my site, that’s if you even remember the old one. With this one I was going for a simpler and more nostalgic layout and writing style.

Now, if you’re a new reader and this is your first look at my blog site, +˚。⋆ 𐙚˚welc0me to Natalie’s N00k (ツ゚)! You couldn’t have come at a better time to start reading my content.

Yes, this is a post about the accomplishments I have set for the year. I was supposed to post this in January, I know, but it’s here now. Better a little into the new year than never 。^‿^。. And if you’ve made it this far, I appreciate that this post has peaked your interest.

This year, my goals are guided to help me focus on improving my health mentally, physically and spiritually. All of my other goals for this year are going into the “everything else” category.

Let’s Begin.

Part I: Mind

A “resolution” that I’ve had every year since I’ve entered adulthood has been to get out of my head, stop the overthinking and just be— Zen. Now, I can finally brag about joining the Apple watch community (*^.^*). The first step to getting out of my head has been by using my watch to log a daily reflection on what my feelings have been and the reasons as to why. So far, my most used moods have been Neutral, Unpleasant, and Slightly Pleasant. It’s mainly been Neutral or Unpleasant…due to work ˚‧º·(˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥)‧º·˚. However, I plan to let the help of a mindfulness practice improve my moods so that they are Pleasant or Very Pleasant; because if my moods aren’t up to par, how will I able to stop myself from all of the negative thoughts and overthinking, and yada yada yada.

Not only have I been logging my moods for daily check-ins, but I’ve also picked up a new practice to better maintain my mental health.

Ya girl is a(✿ ͡◕ ᴗ◕)つ━━✫・*。 meditator!

0n the watch, I got a subscription to use the app that is dedicated to mindfulness and exercise—Apple Fitness—and I absolutely love it! There are a variety of meditations and instructors to choose from. You can meditate to help improve your gift of creativity, or to help release any distractions in your body and mind to keep you feeling calm (◡‿◡✿). If you’re in the mood for something to help you recharge throughout the day, you could listen to the sounds ♫꒰・‿・๑꒱ of synths, rain sticks, and bells to create a sense of serenity. Let’s not forget your bedtime routine where you can incorporate meditation by reflecting on your day as you nestle off to sleep ( ︶。︶✽). There are more areas of meditation that you can practice such as awareness, kindness, gratitude, resilience, purpose, focus, and wisdom. They are all to help you feel at ease and restored, to bring forth feelings of warmth or thankfulness, or to invoke new ideas.

From December 2023 until now, I’ve meditated 54 times.

Part II & III: Body & S0ul

Year after year I’ve been saying I’m going to get into fitness and I never do. But last year when I got my watch, was the year I said I do. Something all smartwatches have in common is that they can help you track your fitness. Not only have I been trying to keep myself mentally centered, but I’ve also been making sure my body is aligned with my mindfulness ღ˘◡˘ற♡.。oO.

In connection with my meditating, I’m incorporating a type of exercise that helps me continue to practice mindfulness and get a good workout in without the excessive sweating `(๑ △ ๑)`*. Yoga. I use my subscription to Apple Fitness+ to plan and stack my yoga exercises that I incorporate four days out of the week with my meditating. With the yoga exercises, there are two specific genres of music [hip-hop/r&b and chill vibes] you listen to as your instructor guides you through a medley of poses such as chair pose, warrior 1 &2, downward dog, cobra pose, child’s pose, tree pose, etcetera. etcetera. etcetera.

The flow of yoga is just so perfect with adding an extra layer to my mindfulness practices.

Since December 2023, I’ve done 50 fitness workouts; 20 of them being yoga. I only know this because I’ve gotten awards for those accomplishments. That’s my favorite part, along with closing my rings (^-^*)ノ!

Part IV: Everything Else…

When it comes to everything else in my life, the list can go on. I want to start with the fact that I’m getting ready to go back to school. Ya girl is getting her master’s degree in education so I can finally become a teacher മ◡മ! I’ve already gotten one acceptance, but I’m waiting on one specific yes before my schooling career starts again. I haven’t been a student in four years ჴ˘ര‸രჴ. All I know is being an educator has been a very interesting and insightful journey. I love working with the next generation, but boy oh boy is there A L0T of work to be done (ᵒ̤̑ ₀̑ ᵒ̤̑) wow!*✰.

Another goal I plan to achieve at some point this year [more so when I grow a pair and get over the anxiety, I have c໒( ◐ ﹏ ◐ )७੭] would be to learn to drive. Before you come for me, let me start by saying, I am a city girl. There’s public transportation that I know how to use like the back of my hand. Do I want to drive? Yes, it’s a very useful skill to have, and there are many places I want to visit. However, I have a crazy fear of driving big heavy machinery and the fact that car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in America is quite literally always on my mind, even as a pedestrian ( ༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ ). In the meantime, I will do more studying and try taking the knowledge test again [yes, I’ve failed it once] to retain my permit. That’s when things will get tough.

I also would like to be a cat mom /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\. I want a pet companion really bad. I’m being picky by hoping that I can get a calico, but I’m fine with whatever breed I just want the cat to love me. 0n top of wanting a cat, I want to get my first tattoo; I just haven’t decided what I want it to be yet. I wouldn’t mind going on a vacation ☀(▀U ▀-͠), reading at least eight books for the year, and I hope that this will be the year I get my braces off. Yes, I am an adult with braces.

I could write about so much more, but I think I’m going to stop here and see what 2024 has in store for me. I just have to be sure to share it with you, my readers. Two (and a half) months down, ten (and a half) months to go (b^_^)b.

+。:.゚THANKヽ(*´∀)ノ゚YOU.:。+゚ for reading!

Mwah (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*)

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