Part of me knows that January and February happened earlier this year; but my mind somehow always starts with my spring break in March when I sit and reflect on my 2020. I’m sure I’m not the only one either. But before we get into how 2020 completely ruled out the concept of time, here’s a personal update on how the rest of my year went.

So, it’s been five months since my last post, and eight since I’ve given an update on my self quarantining due to there being a world wide panoramic…I mean pandemic. Let’s just say that for the most part I’ve been in the house still. For one I’m employed and grateful that—even in the midst of this chaotic year—I am. I’ve been working since September and honestly it’s been an odd, yet interesting and impactful work experience. It’s funny because when I would share with people what I was going to school for—English Literature—they would automatically assume that I would go into Education. I would quickly correct them and share that I wanted to go into a career of journalism or possibly publishing. But, I would continuously hear the assumptions to the point where I actually started to contemplate the idea.Which brings me to my current occupation: I am a tutor with a non-profit literacy program, tutoring students in grades K-3. I thought virtual learning was one thing, but I now have a crumb of understanding as far as how teachers and professors feel when trying to teach virtually. For these past few months I have seen my students progress tremendously and I can only hope that we finish the school year out strong.

Besides work I continued with my reading for the year. By August I had met my goal of reading 20 books and of course—being the avid reader I try to be—I continued reading. I have now reached a goal of 28 books (8,662 pages) read in 2020, that’s 12 more books I read than last year. I can only hope that I surpass my goal for next year. I had not done as much creative writing as I wanted to, hence the gap between posts; but I have that all planned out for 2021.

2021. It sounds a bit strange to talk about a new year when most of us are still grieving the events of 2020. I kid you not, this year flew by! There was a moment in March where I felt like everything was still. But by time May and June rolled around there was one event after another causing so much uproar. We lost famous figures, those nearest and dearest to us, month(s) long protests happened due to more police brutality—mind you, we’re still in the midst of a pandemic—and don’t get me started on the mess that’s going on with who won the election in November. I don’t think people will get over that until the inauguration in January. And can we talk about how our holidays didn’t feel like holidays this year, like they were just normal days with a sprinkle of cheer.

Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into us coming to the end of a year. A literal blur. Full of anxiety, depression, stress, and a long list of trials.

I find it funny how around this time last year some of us thought we were going to be living it up—I’m talking new lives with new people and personalities—because it was a new year and decade; the first of our roaring twenties. There were Great Gatsby memes and gifs EVERYWHERE! While I’m sure most of our lives changed drastically and not necessarily in a “cheers to the new new, old sport” kind of way; we realized we were wrong… wrong. All we did was live through almost every devastating chapter in a world history textbook. Can’t wait to read what historians write about 2020 in the books my children have to learn from.

Now, for those who think that when the clock strikes midnight everything will reset for the better; sorry but it’s not that easy. It’ll have to take a miracle. A “one nation under God” miracle. However, all I know is when you countdown tonight say “5..4..3..2..1..JUMANJI!” it’ll save us all. No Thanos snaps…..just JUMANJI.

P.S. Be smart and be safe tonight when celebrating. We are trying to progress not degress people! Happy New Year’s 🎊.

One response to “UnderOverwhelming”

  1. Yvonne Wiggins Avatar
    Yvonne Wiggins

    Great article. JUMANJI.


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