All Blog Posts

Here are all of my blog posts—even the ones I repost—in one space. Blah.

Hello,Goodbye.Twentyfive. (✯◡✯)

Author’s Note: The response you’ve been waiting for… ✰♫♪•*¨·٠•●♥✿✿●♥٠·¨*•♪♫✰✰♫♪•*¨· Hello love. So, you made it to 25. Technically you’re a year older today. ☆⋆:∞.o(≧▽≦) Happy Birthday! (≧▽≦)o.∞:⋆☆ But giiiiiiiirrrrrl, you would not believe half the things you went through these past five years. For starters, yes you are a college graduate, but unfortunately you were…


Hello readers. ଘ(੭ ˘ ᵕ˘)━☆゚.*・。゚ᵕ꒳ᵕ~ Author’s Note I: As my 26th birthday approaches, periodically I have found myself reflecting on my first five years of adulthood. And during my time of reflection, I was reminded of this letter I wrote to myself five years ago in a collection of prose, poems, and letters I published…

♥ (⌐■_■) Y2K.24 (๑✧ ³✧)

It’s been almost a year since I last posted on this blog. To be more specific, it’s been almost three years since I’ve posted on this blog about myself. The creator of this blog. So let me start off by saying this ➪ Hi! If you’re a returning reader I hope you like the new…

Audiobooks Saved My Reading Slump

Most people that know me know that I’m an avid reader. I’m the type of person to read 15 plus books a year, however, last year (2022), I was in the WORST reading slump an avid reader could ever imagine. I thought being in that slump was the end to the most favorite hobby of…

Can Not Compute

I’ve come to realize that I’m a people *pleaser. I tend to seek out the comfort and pleasure of others before my own. To me that sounds like I’m selfless; but as soon as I utter the word “No” I’m selfish. I say “No” to save myself, only to end up feeling like complete crap…


Part of me knows that January and February happened earlier this year; but my mind somehow always starts with my spring break in March when I sit and reflect on my 2020. I’m sure I’m not the only one either. But before we get into how 2020 completely ruled out the concept of time, here’s…

Being A Queenie: Outdated Ideas of Black Women

“I can’t wake up and not be a black woman…I can’t walk into a room and not be a black woman….On the bus, on the Tube, at work, in the cafeteria. Loud, brash, sassy, angry, mouthy, confrontational, b*tchy……Usual descriptors.”—Candice Carty-Williams, Queenie 2019 *NOTE: This is a semi-spoilery review. I hope you read that quote. Now…

My Blackness & Our Books

Well, June went by quick. Since the end of May, there have been a number of protests demanding justice for African Americans who have lost their lives at the hands of officers, and demanding that government officials—to not reform—but to defund the police. These in-person and virtual movements have been happening across nations of people—…

Day 48 of Self Quarantine: Undergraduate Studies Completed

Despite the loss of my last days on campus, I was allowed to get a free four year Bachelor’s degree in a study I love— English Literature and I was given the chance to create longtime connections with professors and to leave friendly impressions on students…..My first four-year college studies may be over but ya…

Day 30 of Self Quarantine

I should have started these entries from the day my supervisor messaged me and told me we would not be reporting to the office the rest of the week. When D.C. closed all schools for students. When my school emailed a memo letting students know that the University would be closed for the rest of…

The Quarantine Life

Just three months ago I did a post expressing how much I was looking forward to the start of a new decade, a new year. I went into detail about my goals, my last semester as an Undergraduate student, the internship I was offered, etc. It’s April and since the beginning of 2020, life for…

This Is It!

The Spring semester of my undergraduate studies have finally commenced. I am taking yet another six classes, and preparing for graduation on top of it all. But, before we get into what this last semester will be looking like, I would just like to recap on the the previous semester. In the Fall of 2019,…

Hello New Year!

I was gone but now I am back, and the first thing I can do is say: HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is 2020— we are now in a new year, and new decade. As far as how my “into the New Year” celebratory nigh went, let’s just say plans weren’t completely solid but I am…

Read Me

Pick me up. Gently brush my spine with your hands. Hold my covered body and embrace it, before you gleefully move your fingers to an opening. Carefully place me on your lap as you prepare to indulge in me. Read between my lines. Is the content of my existence too much for you to grasp an…


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